∧ A character cannot start with a companion unless you have obtained a companion egg already.

∧ Companions are obtained by either buying a companion egg, by random event, or as a prize.

∧ You can't have an equine as a companion.

∧ They can be no larger than a large wild cat (ex. lion, tiger).

∧ Species, looks, breed, colors, etc- of your companion are up to you.

∧ They cannot possess magic.

∧ You cannot role play them as separate characters.

∧ They do not speak- aside from natural communication that pertains to that species.

∧ God Moding, Power Playing, and Meta Playing rules still apply to other players' companions.

∧ Eggs take three real life days to hatch.

∧ They must be hatched in character, with a thread- otherwise the hatching is invalid. Your creativity with the hatching is up to you. Location of hatching can be anywhere.

∧ Like all animals, they start out as babies (: Companions take one real life week ( 7 days starting from the time it hatched ) to become fully grown.